ERP Implementation: The process, success factors & ERP checklist

ERP By: Dr. Harald Dreher - Mar 24, 2023

Benefit from 3 decades of experience in IT strategy, digitalisation, ERP consulting and process optimisation...

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become an integral part for companies in most industries to manage and help assess processes and operational performance. Implementing an ERP system can streamline processes, reduce costs and improve business efficiency. However, choosing the right ERP software can be a difficult task.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has become an integral part for companies in most industries to manage and help assess processes and operational performance. Implementing an ERP system can streamline processes, reduce costs and improve business efficiency. However, choosing the right ERP software can be a difficult task.

Table of contents

Use a test version of the ERP software

When selecting software, an ERP trial can be just right or helpful before introducing an ERP system. Therefore, this article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an ERP trial if your goal is to select the right software for your company. Most of the time, offers to test a software are limited in time. ERP cloud providers like to use the possibility to create a test account quickly and easily.


What are the advantages of an ERP trial for your decision making?


Risk-free testing - look and feel for ERP software

One of the biggest advantages of an ERP trial is that you can test the software before you make a purchase. This means that you can evaluate the features, functionality and usability of the software to see if it meets your business needs. This way you can reduce the risk of investing in software that is not suitable for your business.


A time and cost saving can be possible

An ERP trial can save your business time and money. With an ERP trial, you don't have to buy the software upfront, and you don't have to spend time and resources on installation and training until you're sure the software is right for your business. Nevertheless, the effort to familiarise yourself with a trial version should not be underestimated. Most of the time, the problems lie in the special cases that may not be represented in a test scenario and then come up in real operation. 


Realistic test environment

An ERP test version provides a realistic test environment in which you can test the software in real scenarios. This helps you identify potential problems and see how the software works in your business processes. This way, you can make an informed decision about whether the software meets your business needs.


Better collaboration

An ERP trial can also improve collaboration between different teams in your organisation. By giving different teams the opportunity to test the software, they can provide valuable feedback that will help you make an informed decision. This can lead to better collaboration and a more unified decision-making process.

Disadvantages of an ERP test for decision making on the selection of an ERP system.


Limited time frame

One of the biggest disadvantages of an ERP trial is the limited time frame. Most trials last only a few weeks, which may not be enough to evaluate all the features and functions of the software. This can lead to making a hasty decision and choosing the wrong software.


Limited functionality

Some ERP trial versions have limited functionality that does not accurately reflect the capabilities of the software. This can lead to incorrect assumptions about the software's features and cause you to make a decision based on incomplete information.


Security risks

ERP testing may involve the disclosure of sensitive business data to third-party vendors, which can increase the risk of data breaches and security threats. It is important to assess the security measures in place and ensure that your data is protected before using an ERP trial.



Which ERP software will support a company's business processes?

When selecting ERP software, it is important to choose software that supports your business processes. There are different ERP software, features, ERP industry solutions or add-on programmes to enhance an ERP solution. And with that, choosing the right software can be a challenge.
Here are some factors you should consider when choosing an ERP software:


Industry-specific features

Different industries have specific requirements, and choosing ERP software that is tailored to your industry can be beneficial. Look for software that has industry-specific features that can help streamline your business processes.



Your business is likely to grow, and you need ERP software that can grow with you. Look for software that is scalable and can support your business needs as you expand.



ERP software needs to integrate with your existing systems to eliminate duplicate data entry. Look for software that integrates with your existing systems and allows seamless data transfer between different systems.


Ease of use

Your employees will be using the ERP software on a daily basis, so it is important that the software is user-friendly and easy to use. The software should be intuitive and easy for new employees to learn how to use and the training period should be short. If your employees are comfortable with the interface and ease of use and can quickly see success in using it, you have (usually) achieved acceptance by your users.


Adaptation of new ERP software

ERP software must be adapted to the specific requirements of your company. Look for software that offers customisation options that allow you to configure the software for your specific business needs. Don't let your day-to-day business prevent you from critically examining the implementation methodology of the providers as well as the project team available. Optimisations must be defined step by step, planned and verified by the project team. Only then and with the help of key users can these optimisations be implemented in the new ERP.


Support from the provider ensures the success of the project and reduces the time required

The support of the ERP software provider is crucial to the success of your implementation. Look for a vendor that offers excellent support and training to help you get the most out of your ERP software. Implementation planning, support of your digitalisation initiatives and optimisation of the IT infrastructure can be issues that support or reduce the success of an ERP project. Most of the time, ERP projects are planned by vendors phases or steps to implementation. The realistic assessment and planning of the overall process with the involvement of your employees has a great influence on the success of the project.



The cost of ERP software is a major factor to consider. Look for software that offers a balance between functionality and affordability. Consider the long-term cost of the software, including licensing, maintenance and upgrades.



System analysis - identify requirements


The importance of system analysis and requirements identification

Organisational and process requirements must be met. One of the most important reasons for conducting a system analysis and requirements identification is to ensure that a new ERP system meets the requirements. To do this, as a company looking for ERP software, you need to know and understand its requirements. The documentation to be created is an ERP requirements specification which will later be transformed into an ERP functional specification. This process is described later in this article. Understanding your requirements (processes, workflows, approval procedures and interfaces) will help you select an ERP system that meets your objectives and ensures that you can achieve them.


How can you avoid costly mistakes?

Selecting an ERP system without conducting a system analysis, process analysis and identifying requirements can lead to costly mistakes. For example, if you choose a system that doesn't meet your business needs, you may waste valuable time and resources trying to make it work, or you may have to replace the system altogether, which can be a costly proposition.


Increase efficiency

Conducting a system analysis and identifying your requirements can help increase efficiency by streamlining business processes. Once you know your requirements, you can choose an ERP system that automates tasks, reduces manual data entry and improves overall efficiency.


Future-proof your business

The business environment is constantly evolving, and your requirements may naturally change over time. By conducting a systems analysis and identifying your requirements, you can choose an ERP system that can adapt to your changing needs and future-proof your business.



What can happen if you don't write a specification and select an ERP system without eliciting requirements?


Inefficient processes

Selecting an ERP system without eliciting the requirements can lead to inefficient processes. The system may not be able to automate tasks, reduce manual data entry or improve overall efficiency, resulting in wasted time and resources.


Poor user acceptance

If the ERP system does not meet the needs of your business, it may not be adopted by your employees. This can lead to poor user adoption, which translates into lost productivity, resistance to change and lack of employee engagement.


Costly upgrades

If the ERP system is not meeting the needs of your business, you may need to upgrade or replace it. This can be a costly endeavour, wasting time and resources.


Lack of integration

If the ERP system is not integrated with your existing systems, you may end up with data silos, duplicated efforts and inefficient processes. This can lead to data inconsistencies, errors and lack of transparency in your business.



Advantages and disadvantages of a step-by-step implementation of the ERP programme

Implementing an ERP system usually a daunting task for any business. There are many ways to implement an ERP programme, and a phased implementation approach is one of them.


Advantages of a phased implementation of an ERP software


Lower risk when implementing an ERP system

A phased implementation approach can reduce the risk of system failure. This approach allows each phase of the implementation process to be tested and validated before moving on to the next phase. This reduces the risk of system failure and allows the project team to identify and fix problems before they become critical. Of course, it is necessary to have clear plans for the ERP implementation as well as to audit the project with checklists. The ERP implementation process is defined by a systematic procedure, a concept based on individual steps and thus it is clear that one of the success factors is defined by good preparation - both through training of key users and through cooperation in the project team.

Better Control

A phased implementation approach provides better control over the implementation process. By breaking down the implementation process into smaller, manageable phases, organizations can better control the implementation process and ensure that each phase is successfully completed before moving on to the next.


Less disruption to normal business operations possible

A phased implementation approach can reduce disruption to daily operations. With this approach, companies can implement the ERP system in stages to ensure that business processes are not interrupted. This approach can also reduce the impact on employees, as they can gradually get used to the new system and usually limit their workload during the erp system implementation. It must not be forgotten that an ERP implementation is not an IT project. The success of the project can only be ensured with good advice on the introduction of an erp system. This consulting must be provided by the supplier of the ERP solution or by experts who have experience in project management in the ERP implementation process.


Improved user acceptance through early involvement of key users

A phased implementation approach can improve user adoption of the new ERP system. By implementing the system in stages, companies can ensure that employees are properly trained at each stage of the implementation. This can help employees become familiar with the system and gain more confidence in using it.


Disadvantages of a step-by-step introduction of the ERP program


A longer implementation time possible due to a more small-scale overall process for implementing the ERP system

A phased implementation can take longer than other implementation approaches. This is because each phase of the implementation process must be completed before moving on to the next. The as-is state to be documented and the necessary installation of interfaces or enhancements are important steps on the way to an implementation. Quality assurance and a functioning project management are the guarantors for a successful implementation. This can extend the overall duration of the implementation and introduction and lead to a delayed benefit if required functions that were defined as important in the ERP selection are only available later.


Higher implementation costs can be a result of a phased implementation.

A phased implementation approach can be more expensive than other implementation approaches. This is because the deployment, testing, and implementation process is broken down into smaller phases that require more planning and coordination. This can be the cause that can lead to higher implementation costs.


What problems can occur during the integration of ERP modules?

A phased implementation approach can lead to integration problems. This is because each phase of the implementation process is completed separately and it can be more difficult to integrate the phases together. This can lead to data inconsistencies, errors and lack of transparency within the organization. The overall process is difficult or almost impossible to test as part of the erp solution and erp implementation if only sub-projects are defined by key users, accepted and tested as sub-projects. When introducing an erp system, an integration test is a crucial step to ensure the success of the project. As a rule, an ERP system always consists of different modules, which have to be tested in the company in test management process by process individually and audited with a checklist. The success of the project depends heavily on the planning and the requirements defined in the process analysis and the functions and processes tested by the project team.


Difficulties in testing the entire system

A phased implementation approach can make it difficult to test the entire ERP system. This is because each phase of the implementation process is completed separately and it can be more difficult to test the entire system until all phases are complete. This can lead to delays in identifying and fixing problems.



ERP workshops and system selection of an ERP system

A successful ERP implementation starts with a careful selection of the right system. One of the most effective ways to make this decision is to organize ERP workshops to evaluate different vendors and their solutions. In this post, you'll learn how to organize these workshops and select the best software vendors for your business.



Organizing ERP workshops


1. Define goals and requirements

Before organizing workshops, you should first define your company's goals and requirements. A detailed requirements list will help you identify the appropriate software solutions and vendors. This list should include both functional and technical requirements that match your company's business processes.


2. Perform a market analysis

Conduct a market analysis to identify potential ERP vendors. Create a list of vendors that, at first glance, meet your requirements. You can also refer to industry reports, customer reviews, and peer recommendations.

3. Send out invitations and set the agenda.

Invite the selected vendors to ERP workshops. Inform the vendors about your company's goals and requirements and share the agenda with them. The agenda should include ample time for presentations, discussion, and questions. Make sure each vendor receives the same information and terms to ensure a fair comparison.



Select software provider


1. Define comparison criteria

In order to objectively evaluate the different ERP systems, it is important to establish clear comparison criteria. These criteria should focus on the most important aspects of the ERP system, such as functionality, scalability, adaptability and cost.


2. Conduct workshops and evaluate

Conduct the ERP workshops and ensure that all key stakeholders are present. After each presentation, conduct a discussion and evaluation based on the established comparison criteria. Document the results and collect feedback from the participants.


3. Check references and conduct negotiations

After the evaluation, check the references of the most promising vendors. Talk to their customers to find out how satisfied they are with the system and service. Once you have chosen a vendor, conduct negotiations on pricing, contract terms, and support services.

Organizing ERP workshops and carefully selecting an ERP system are critical steps for a successful implementation. By clearly defining your company's requirements, identifying potential vendors and effectively organizing the workshops, you can make the best possible decision for your company.

Keep in mind that ERP system implementation doesn't end with vendor selection. A successful implementation also requires detailed planning, close collaboration between your company and the vendor, and ongoing training and support for your employees.

In summary the following steps are critical to a successful ERP implementation:

  1. Define goals and requirements
  2. Conduct market analysis
  3. Send invitations and set agenda
  4. Conduct workshops and evaluation
  5. Check references and conduct negotiations
  6. Detailed implementation planning
  7. Collaboration with the vendor
  8. Train and support staff

Follow these steps and pay attention to the success factors to ensure a smooth implementation and long-term success of your ERP system. Investing in the right ERP solution will pay off in streamlined business processes, improved efficiency and a competitive advantage for your company.



What does tailor-made mean for your company?

When a software house claims that a solution is "tailor-made for your company", you should critically question this statement. In many cases, this means that while the software is adaptable and can be tailored to your company's needs, it does not necessarily mean that it is completely custom developed for your company.

There are several ways a software company can provide this "customized" solution:

  1. Standard software with customization options: In this case, it is a standard software that has been developed for a wide range of companies. However, it offers customization options to meet your company's specific needs and requirements. Such customizations may include configuring modules, integrating add-ons or customizing user interfaces.

  2. Modular software: Modular ERP systems consist of different modules that can be selected and integrated depending on your company's needs. In this case, the software is not developed specifically for your business, but the selection of relevant modules allows for some customization to meet your needs.

  3. Custom software development: In some cases, a software house can actually develop a completely custom solution for your business. However, this is often more time-consuming and costly than customizing a standard or modular software. Such custom development usually only makes sense for very specific requirements or industries.

  4. In most cases, ERP systems are not developed completely individually for a company, but are customizable standard or modular solutions. It is important to question the exact customization options and the scope of "customization" to ensure that the software can actually be tailored to your company's needs. Don't just be guided by marketing claims, but check exactly how flexible and adaptable the ERP system on offer is.

In most cases, ERP systems are not developed completely individually for a company, but are customizable standard or modular solutions. It is important to question the exact customization options and the scope of "customization" to ensure that the software can actually be tailored to your company's needs. Don't just be guided by marketing claims, but check exactly how flexible and adaptable the ERP system on offer is.



Be critical when buying Software

You should be especially attentive and critical when selecting a software solution. It's important to make an informed decision based on your company's actual needs and goals, not just marketing promises or superficial criteria. Here are some aspects you should pay special attention to:

  1. Requirements analysis: make sure you conduct a thorough requirements analysis and accurately define your company's needs. This will help you find a suitable software solution that meets your requirements.

  2. Functionality: make sure that the software offers the functions and modules that are necessary for your business processes and requirements. While extensive functionality is desirable, superfluous features can negatively impact usability and implementation efforts.

  3. Scalability: the software should be able to grow with your business. Make sure the system is scalable and able to adapt to changes in your business, such as additional users, new locations or changing business processes.

  4. Adaptability: the ability of the software to be adapted to your specific needs and processes is critical. Make sure the software is flexible enough to meet your individual needs and integrate with your existing IT landscape.

  5. Ease of use: A user-friendly and intuitive interface is important for the acceptance and efficiency of the software. Employees should be able to use the software without much training.

  6. Support and service: Pay attention to the quality of customer support and the services offered by the software provider. Good implementation support and ongoing support are critical to the success of your software solution.

  7. Value for money: compare the cost of different software solutions and assess whether the features and services offered justify the price. Also look for hidden costs, such as additional support fees or costs for updates.

  8. References and experience: Find out about other customers' experiences with the software provider and the solution offered. Check references and look for independent ratings and reviews.

In some cases, the company may also hire an external IT service provider to maintain and service the ERP database. In any case, it is important to establish clear responsibility for maintaining the database to ensure smooth operation and security of the company's data.



Die Mitarbeiterschulung als wichtige Erfolgsfaktoren bei der ERP Einführung eines ERP Systems

Die Mitarbeiterschulung ist ein entscheidender Erfolgsfaktor bei der Einführung eines ERP-Systems, da sie dazu beiträgt, dass die Mitarbeiter die neue Software effektiv und effizient nutzen können. Eine gute Schulung erhöht die Akzeptanz des Systems und fördert die Optimierung der Geschäftsprozesse. Hier sind einige Aspekte, auf die Sie bei der Planung und Durchführung von Schulungen achten sollten:


  1. Zielgruppenspezifische Schulung: Berücksichtigen Sie die unterschiedlichen Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten der Mitarbeiter in Ihrem Unternehmen und passen Sie die Schulungsinhalte entsprechend an. Jede Abteilung hat unterschiedliche Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse, die durch gezielte Schulungen adressiert werden sollten.
  2. Praxisorientierung: Gestalten Sie die Schulung praxisnah und beziehen Sie konkrete Beispiele aus dem Arbeitsalltag der Mitarbeiter ein. Dies erleichtert das Verständnis der Software und deren Anwendung im realen Geschäftsumfeld.
  3. Schulungsmaterialien: Stellen Sie Schulungsmaterialien wie Handbücher, Anleitungen und Schulungsvideos zur Verfügung, die den Mitarbeitern helfen, das System eigenständig zu erlernen und bei Bedarf als Nachschlagewerk zu nutzen.
  4. Interaktive Lernmethoden: Nutzen Sie verschiedene Lernmethoden wie Workshops, Gruppenübungen und Simulationen, um die Mitarbeiter aktiv in den Lernprozess einzubeziehen und die Motivation zu erhöhen.
  5. Zeitliche Planung: Planen Sie die Schulungen in einem angemessenen Zeitrahmen, um den Mitarbeitern genügend Zeit zum Erlernen des Systems zu geben und Überforderung zu vermeiden. Berücksichtigen Sie auch, dass einige Mitarbeiter möglicherweise zusätzliche Zeit für das Selbststudium benötigen.
  6. Kontinuierliche Schulung: Bieten Sie kontinuierliche Schulungen und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen an, um sicherzustellen, dass die Mitarbeiter stets auf dem neuesten Stand sind und die Software optimal nutzen können. Dies ist besonders wichtig, wenn es regelmäßige Updates oder Erweiterungen des Systems gibt.
  7. Support und Hilfe: Stellen Sie sicher, dass den Mitarbeitern ausreichend Support und Hilfe zur Verfügung stehen, wenn sie Fragen oder Probleme mit der Software haben. Dies kann durch interne Ansprechpartner oder externe Supportdienste des Softwareanbieters gewährleistet werden.
  8. Erfolgskontrolle: Überprüfen Sie den Erfolg der Schulungen regelmäßig, indem Sie den Wissensstand der Mitarbeiter überprüfen und Feedback einholen. Passen Sie die Schulungsinhalte und -methoden bei Bedarf an, um eine effektive Wissensvermittlung zu gewährleisten.

Indem Sie auf diese Aspekte achten, können Sie eine erfolgreiche Mitarbeiterschulung gewährleisten und die Akzeptanz des ERP-Systems in Ihrem Unternehmen fördern. Dies trägt maßgeblich zur Optimierung Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse und zum Erfolg der ERP-Implementierung bei.



Employee training as a key success factor in the ERP implementation of an ERP system.

Employee training is a critical success factor in the implementation of an ERP system, as it helps ensure that employees can use the new software effectively and efficiently. Good training increases the acceptance of the system and promotes the optimization of business processes. Here are some aspects you should pay attention to when planning and conducting training:

  1. Target group-specific training: take into account the different roles and responsibilities of the employees in your company and adapt the training content accordingly. Each department has different requirements and needs that should be addressed through targeted training.

  2. Practical orientation: Design the training to be practical and include concrete examples from employees' everyday work. This makes it easier to understand the software and how to use it in a real business environment.

  3. Training materials: Provide training materials such as manuals, guides, and training videos that help employees learn the system independently and use it as a reference when needed.

  4. Interactive learning methods: Use a variety of learning methods such as workshops, group exercises, and simulations to actively engage employees in the learning process and increase motivation.

  5. Timing: schedule training sessions within a reasonable timeframe to give employees enough time to learn the system and avoid overwhelm. Also consider that some employees may need additional time for self-study.

  6. Ongoing training: provide ongoing training and education to ensure that employees are always up to date and able to use the software to its fullest potential. This is especially important if there are regular updates or enhancements to the system.

  7. Support and Help: Ensure that there is sufficient support and help available to employees if they have questions or problems with the software. This can be ensured by internal contact persons or external support services of the software provider.

  8. Monitoring success: Check the success of the training regularly by reviewing the employees' level of knowledge and obtaining feedback. Adjust training content and methods as needed to ensure effective knowledge transfer.

By paying attention to these aspects, you can ensure successful employee training and promote acceptance of the ERP system in your company. This contributes significantly to the optimization of your business processes and the success of the ERP implementation.



Schedule: How long does it take to implement an ERP system?

The duration of the implementation of an ERP system depends on various factors, such as the size and complexity of the company, the number of departments involved, the existing IT infrastructure, the scope of customizations and the readiness of employees to adapt to the new system. In general, however, implementing an ERP system can take anywhere from a few months to several years.

Here is a rough timeline for implementing an ERP system:

  1. Planning phase (1-3 months): During this phase, the company's requirements and goals are analyzed, a project team is assembled, and an implementation plan is created.

  2. Software selection (1-3 months): During this phase, the appropriate ERP software is selected. This includes evaluating different vendors, checking references and conducting product demonstrations.

  3. Customization and Configuration (3-12 months): During this phase, the ERP software is customized and configured to meet the specific needs of the business. This may include developing custom functionality, interfacing with other systems, and setting up workflows.

  4. Data transfer and integration (2-6 months): During this phase, existing data is migrated to the new ERP system and integration with other systems is ensured.

  5. Training and testing phase (1-3 months): During this phase, employees are trained and the system is extensively tested to ensure that it works correctly and meets the company's requirements.

  6. Go-Live and Stabilization Phase (1-3 months): During this phase, the ERP system is put into operation and employees begin to use it in daily business operations. In the first weeks and months after go-live, problems and bugs may occur and need to be fixed before the system can run stably.

It is important to note that this timeline is only a rough estimate and may vary depending on the company's individual circumstances. To ensure a successful ERP implementation, careful planning and ongoing monitoring of the project is critical.



The go-live is approaching - what to consider - final checklist

The live start or go-live of an ERP system is a crucial step in the implementation process. To ensure a smooth transition, you should check some important points before the go-live and make sure that all preparations have been made. Here is a checklist of the final steps before the go-live:

  1. System testing: make sure the ERP system has been thoroughly tested and all identified bugs and issues have been fixed. This should include functional testing as well as integration testing with other systems.

  2. Data migration: verify that all necessary data has been successfully migrated to the new ERP system and that data integrity is ensured. Perform test migrations, if necessary, to ensure that the data transfer process runs smoothly.

  3. Customizations and Configuration: Ensure that all required customizations and configurations of the ERP system have been completed and tested. This includes custom functions, workflows, and interfaces to other systems.

  4. Employee training: ensure that all employees who will use the ERP system have been properly trained and have sufficient knowledge to use the system effectively.

  5. Documentation: Ensure that the necessary documentation, such as user manuals, process descriptions, and training materials, is available to all employees. Support structure: ensure that a support structure is in place for go-live and the first few weeks after implementation. This should include both internal support from the project team and external support from the software vendor.

  6. Backup and recovery plan: Ensure that a backup and recovery plan for the ERP system is in place to respond quickly in the event of problems or data loss.

  7. Communication Plan: Inform all employees and stakeholders of the go-live date and expected changes. Make sure all stakeholders know who to contact if they have questions or problems.

  8. Go-live strategy: Decide whether the go-live should take place gradually (e.g., department by department) or simultaneously for the entire company. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully weighed up in advance.

  9. Follow-up and optimization: Plan to conduct regular reviews and optimization measures in the weeks and months following the go-live to ensure that the ERP system meets the company's requirements and is continuously improved.

  10. Contingency plan: Create a contingency plan in case unforeseen issues arise during go-live or in the first few days after implementation. This may include, for example, temporarily reverting to old systems or processes to keep the business running while the issues are resolved.

  11. Measuring success: establish criteria and metrics against which the success of the ERP implementation can be measured. These criteria should include both qualitative and quantitative aspects and should be reviewed regularly to assess the progress and success of the implementation.

  12. User feedback: Promote an open feedback climate and encourage users to share their experiences, problems and suggestions for improvement related to the new ERP system. This helps uncover weaknesses and drive continuous improvements.

  13. Change management: consider the human element of the ERP system implementation and ensure that effective change management is carried out. This can be achieved, for example, through regular communication, involving employees in decision-making processes, and providing support for adapting to new workflows.

  14. Continuous training: schedule regular training and education for users to ensure they are always up to date and can make the most of the ERP system. This is especially important if there are regular updates or enhancements to the system.

By taking these points into account and going through the checklist before the live start, you will ensure that the implementation of the ERP system is successful and that your company can benefit from the advantages of the new software. This way, the transition will be as smooth as possible and potential problems will be identified and solved early on. Good preparation and planning are crucial to the success of the project. In addition, this approach increases the acceptance of the new system among employees.



What role does Change Management play in an ERP implementation methodology?

Change management plays a critical role in an ERP implementation methodology by supporting the transition from existing ways of working and systems to the new processes and ERP software. Implementing an ERP system often requires profound changes in the organization, business processes, and the way employees work. Change management helps to successfully manage these changes, increase acceptance of the new system, and counteract potential resistance.

Some of the key aspects that change management should focus on during an ERP implementation are:

  1. Communication: open and transparent communication is critical to inform employees about the purpose of the ERP implementation, the benefits to the business, and the changes it will bring. Regular updates and information about the progress of the project and upcoming milestones will help reduce uncertainty and create a shared understanding of the changes.

  2. Employee involvement: Involving employees in the decision-making process and listening to their concerns and suggestions helps reduce resistance to change and promotes acceptance of the new system. Employees who feel that their opinions are heard and valued are more likely to adapt to change.

  3. Training and support: providing employees with comprehensive training and support is an essential part of change management. Proper training ensures that employees acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively use the new ERP system.

  4. Culture Change: When implementing an ERP system, it may be necessary to change the corporate culture to accommodate the new ways of working and processes. Change management supports this culture change by promoting new values and behaviors aimed at successful use of the ERP system.

  5. Resource management: change management also involves planning and allocating resources to ensure that the implementation of the ERP system is successful. This includes both financial resources and human resources, such as forming a project team and identifying internal and external contacts for support and training.

  6. Measuring success: Effective change management requires defining success criteria and continuously monitoring progress against these criteria. This allows you to evaluate the success of ERP implementation and change management and make adjustments as necessary. If you consider these points and describe those requirements for your business that will lead to competitive improvements, select the right software partner and, most importantly, meticulously plan the implementation and associated project management and measure success, almost nothing can cause the project to fail.


If you take these points into account and describe those requirements for your company that lead to competitive improvements, select the right software partner and, above all, meticulously plan the implementation and the associated project management and measure the success, almost nothing can lead to the failure of the project.


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"Keep in mind that ERP implementation doesn't end with vendor selection. A successful implementation also requires detailed planning, close collaboration between your company and the vendor, and ongoing training and support for your employees." - Dr Harald Dreher