Digital Strategy Consulting

Digital strategy consulting helps executives and organisations seeking to transform their businesses for the digital age. Learn how our clients are leveraging digital transformation to spark innovation and growth ...
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Find out how Dreher Consulting can help create a digital strategy for your company, leveraging new technologies to give you the competitive advantage today ..." Karolin Voß - Head of Digitalisation
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For many experts, digitalisation is the supreme discipline in management today


Surveys and studies on digital strategy and the transformation of business models leave the impression that almost all companies are somehow concerned with digitalisation. A closer look reveals that there is a large number of publications on the topic of technologies, digital transformation, innovation and services.

However, this contrasts with a small number of publications that deal with the actual implementation and the safe path to a digital transformation. This is where our digital strategy consulting service comes in.

Digital Transformation for business

How can our digital strategy consulting support you?


We help realise the implementation of a digital transformation for you and your company. We focus on areas that directly help you to use the opportunities of digitalisation for the further development of services and products in order to realise possible increases in productivity and innovations.

The focus of our work is not the marketing concept of digitalisation, but the implementation of digital transformation. This is not a marketing idea, but part of our DNA. We see ourselves as implementation consultants to support our clients with our work and expert knowledge in making their own companies competitive in a digital world.

Digital Strategy Process Dreher Consulting

Our approach to digital strategy consulting ...


We first develop a common understanding of digitisation with your management and employees. In this way, we achieve a uniform basis for understanding how a digitisation strategy can bring competitive advantages to your company. We assess digitisation initiatives that have already been started and possibly implemented.

Our experts will model the necessary next steps, time and resource requirements as well as the target definition of the planned steps to digitise your business model in the context of your business models. 

"The benefit for your company: A qualitative assessment of your digital readiness - i.e. your starting point for a digital transformation - an invaluable basis for your company's digital strategy" - Dr. Harald Dreher

Creating a digital Strategy

A digital transformation is not an end in itself ...


It is important for you to identify the digitalisation topics that are effective for the individual business models. This makes the transformation from analogue to digital business models, processes and services easier and more targeted. The benefit for your company: clear definition and specifications for the implementation of digitalisation in the business models. Clear solutions for business and interaction with your customers. Focus on transformation and solutions.

Before solutions for digitalisation can be developed, it is necessary to take stock of the competitive environment. Questions about digitalisation pressure, the discontinuation of existing business models, pressure on the analogue value creation process and much more are highlighted here. This assessment is the basis for further business solutions and, in the context of strategy consulting, an assessment of future changes and digital trends. 

The benefit for your company: Elaboration of the threats to your company from disruption with digital business models, live cycle and maturity assessment of existing business models. Assessment of digital trends. Assessment of changes in the competitive situation due to digitalisation efforts of competitors.

Automating manufacturing


What you get from us?

  • An assessment of your current situation regarding digitalisation.

  • An assessment of your industry's digitisation trends and digital strategy.

  • An assessment of your digitalisation situation (digitalisation readiness) with regard to necessary business initiatives.

  • A roadmap for the digital transformation of your company.

  • Digital strategy consulting to improve your competitiveness.

Selected Case Studies



Xempus has an innovative vision: to make pension provision simple and accessible for everyone. To achieve this, they network all participants on their independent platform, making pension provision fast, efficient and comprehensible.


Medtec & Science GmbH

MedTec have been developing and producing innovative, individual and intelligent solutions for 40 years. Always in dialogue with their customers and under the aspects of usability, durability and environmental compatibility.



In 1919, the Cooperative of German Tiled Stove and Air Heating Builders was founded in Stuttgart. Since then, Hagos has been supplying the trade with all components, materials and tools for the manufacture of tiled stoves and fireplaces. The company has 16 locations, with customers throughout Europe.

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