About Us

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Our mission statement - Welcome to the era of synergy

At Dreher Consulting, we pursue a vision that goes far beyond traditional consulting. We understand that SMEs and dynamic companies need more than individual solutions in today's competitive environment - they need a holistic system that seamlessly combines innovation, integration and sustainability. Our magic triangle of digitalisation, independent ERP consulting and sustainability is at the heart of our offering.


Choose from our full range of Digitalisation services. From bespoke IT strategies to Process Optimisation our team are here to support you to successfully achieve your company's digital transformation. 


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Speak to Dr. Dreher, Head of Digitalisation


Independent ERP Consulting for over 30 years, our consultants will support you to find the right ERP system, perfectly integrated for your company.  If you already have an ERP project and need the support of qualified professionals in your industry, check our ERP Project Management and ERP Project Rescue services.


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Speak to Dr Dreher, Head of ERP solutions


Profitability and Sustainability - Society, financial institutions and legislators all demand sustainability from companies throughout the entire supply chain. Our sustainability services will help you realise highly efficient, sustainable working practices in your business.


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Speak to Andy, Head of Sustainability


At Dreher consulting we use AI technologies to deliver only the highest standard of efficiency and process optimisation for our clients. Through evolved complex integrations we have realised the new principles of consulting  - bespoke service is our normal.


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Speak to Dr. Dreher, Head of A.I Technologies

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Digitalisation: Redefining knowledge work

Innovative digitalisation strategies are at the heart of our services. We rethink knowledge work and enable our customers to fully utilise the benefits of the digital revolution. Our expertise in artificial intelligence and cloud technologies creates a basis for agile and efficient business processes.


ERP: Customised solutions for productivity

Our independent ERP consultancy focuses on customised solutions to continuously increase your productivity. We offer you an unbiased view of your processes and a deep understanding of software integrations that move your business forward in the digital landscape.


Our offer: Specialised in your industry

We have recognised that specially selected industries can particularly benefit from integrated consulting. Our services are therefore aimed specifically at companies that want to be leaders in their industry by utilising innovative technologies, efficient processes and sustainable practices.


Sustainability: Responsible growth

Sustainable business is not a by-product for us, but a central focus. We support companies in reducing their operating costs while making a valuable contribution to environmental protection. With Dreher Consulting, you are investing in a future that is ecologically sustainable and economically advantageous.


Explore how we work at Dreher Consulting ...
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Why Dreher Consulting?

Our combination of expertise in digitalisation, ERP and sustainability is unmatched in the consulting industry. These three pillars are tailored to the needs of SMEs and dynamic companies and offer independent, comprehensive advice from a single source - a rarity in the market that makes Dreher Consulting your ideal partner.


Join us to lead your business into the future. At Dreher Consulting you will not only find consultants, but partners on your path to success.

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How we achieve results?


Our DNA allows us to understand and solve our clients' problems, bridging the gap between business and IT technology. We have a standard of excellence within consulting which our clients can realise with a short return on investment (ROI).

A wide range of standard tools and process models have been developed in recent years, some of which are industry-specific. These are put together individually to suit the task, the target definition and the framework conditions of the customer. This procedure model offers our clients a high level of efficiency in implementation consulting and the guarantee of target achievement. 

This procedure is supported by our own use of digital solutions. Remote and 24/7 services for our clients are part of our philosophy to support our clients to significantly improve their competitiveness with our expertise and advice.

In addition, Dreher Consulting works with a team of permanent consultants and a network of highly qualified freelancers in order to be able to offer our customers a wide range of consulting services. Our freelancers have many years of experience in the areas of digitalisation, ERP software and sustainability. We carefully select our freelancers to ensure they meet our high quality standards


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EU Climate Pact and Dreher Consulting


Our world. Our action. Our planet


The European Climate Pact encouragesEU Climate Pact and Dreher Consulting everyone to act. It is a movement of people united around a common cause, taking steps in their own worlds to build a more sustainable Europe for us all. Launched by the European Commission, the Pact is part of the European Green Deal and is helping the EU to meet its goal to be the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050. 

Dreher Consulting is proud to champion such a cause and be a prominent member of the pact, standing together with other distinguished companies and organisations all committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions across their businesses by 2040. 


Signatories of our pact commit to three principles of action:

  • Regular Reporting - measure and report greenhouse gas emissions regularly
  • Carbon Elimination - implement decarbonising strategies through real business changes and innovation
  • Credible Offsets - neutralize any emissions with additional, quantifiable permanent and socially-beneficial offsets. 


As a Client of Dreher Consulting - what does this mean for you?

  • 80% removal of travel fees for our consultancy work.
  • Removal of administration fees. Dreher Consulting is 100% online digital.
  • Face-to-Face contact with your Consultants when you need them. Thanks to the latest collaboration tools advice is always on hand.
  • Our investment in cloud technology in combination with our collaboration tools, allows us to work together in real time with Clients who can connect to our project management system 24/7 for real time updates and project health checks.

We hope you’ll join us in working together in a more responsible, sustainable way to realise your digital journey.


Our Locations

We are an internationally active consulting firm founded in 1992.

Today we have offices in Stuttgart and Lake Constance.

From these locations our team of experts continue supporting companies and corporations in Europe and the rest of the world.



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About Dreher Consulting

Transform your future with Dreher Consulting ...

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