"Digitalisation publications" Publications

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Digitalisation - Publications

Digital Transformation and Sales 4.0

10 min
Digitalisation - Publications

How does pick-by-voice work?

Logistics and efficient warehouse management is increasingly becoming a ...

Digitalisation - Publications

What You Should Know Before CRM Implementation

More and more companies are following the customer-centricity approach and ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Creating Process Transparency Through Process Mining

Through the employ of data-based models we explore how companies can ...

Digitalisation - Publications

What is the prerequisite for innovation?

Reflection of the lecture by Prof. Dr. Jörg Sennheiser in the lecture ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Efficient Business Management through Big Data Analysis

New orders, enquiries, complaints, marketing campaigns: every day, ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Big DATA, What Is Behind it?

Big Data – What's behind it? An analysis of Big Data. Companies like ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Master Data Management - Aspects of Practical Implementation (Part 3)

The practical implementation of an MDM approach is associated with special ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Why is Digitisation & Digital Transformation a Marathon?

Anyone who has ever tried to compete can confirm that preparation is half ...

Digitalisation - Publications

DMS & Process Optimisation

DMS and process optimisation - what you should pay attention to? When ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Digitalisation is the big business driver - why is that?

Hardly any achievement influences the world as comprehensively and ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Business Intelligence B.I. – What is Important?

Business Intelligence (B.I.), Digitalisation and Digital Transformation ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Home Office - How to Master Remote Working or Working from Home

In the context of the current restrictions during the Corona crisis, ...

Digitalisation - Publications

Corona & Project Work - How Does it Still Work?

Current lockdown - how can you still realise necessary I.T. and ERP ...

Digitalisation - Publications


Companies must become "Digital". Statements like this and provocative ...

Digitalisation - Publications


Weighing up the Pros and Cons of Cloud computing is becoming increasingly ...

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